Was founded in 2004


Journal Nauka Yuga Rossii [Science in the South Russia] was renamed in 2016 in "Nauka Yuga Rossii" [Science in the South Russia]

ISSN 2500-0640

ISSN (before 2016) 1813-4289

The journal is published under the auspices of the RAS Presidium

Was founded in 2004. Vestnik SSC RAS is published by the Board of Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Since 2007 Vestnik SSC RAS is included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee of Russian Federation. The journal is issued quarterly (4 issues per year). Nauka Yuga Rossii [Science in the South Russia] is based on the modern publishing standards including high quality printing in Nauka Publisher (Moscow).

Acceptable languages for publication are Russian and English summary. Hardcopies of the Nauka Yuga Rossii [Science in the South Russia] is distributed by subscription. The index of the journal "Nauka Yuga Rossii" [Science in the South Russia] on a national subscription catalog of the Russian Post is 64235.


Federal state budgetary institution of science "Federal Research centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

Address of publisher:

Chekhov av., 41, Rostov-on-Don 344006 Russia


4 issues per year; thematic supplements are also published.