Nauka Yuga Rossii. Volume 20, Issue 2, 2024
SH-waves on the surface of a bimorph magneto-electroelastic plate
T.I. Belyankova, E.I. Vorovich, A.S. Turchin
Use of GPS Trimble receivers in geodynamic studies after GPS WNRO system event
V.L. Shestopalov, O.V. Didikin, P.V. Shestopalov
A photonic crystal based on a nanoscale ferroelectric film periodically deposited on a dielectric substrate
V.M. Mukhortov, S.I. Masychev
Chemistry and New Materials
Synthesis and spectral-luminescent properties of cumarine-terpiridine imine conjugates
O.G. Nikolaeva, E.N. Shepelenko, I.V. Dubonosova, O.Yu. Karlutova, A.D. Dubonosov, V.A. Bren
Earth Sciences
Microplastic contamination of the water of the Lower Don, Tsimlyansk Reservoir and Lower Volga
M.A. Antsiferova, L.A. Bespalova, A.V. Kleshchenkov, E.M. Danilina, Yu.I. Yurasov
Daily dynamics of physiological and biochemical parameters of plants of the supralittoral-littoral boundary. 1. Components of the antioxidant system
E.O. Dobychina, A.A. Lomaka, I.V. Ryzhik, M.P. Klindukh
Variability of leaf morphometric parameters of some species of the genus Rhododendron L. in the collection of the South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute (Ufa)
N.V. Polyakova
Cornu aspersum (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Helicidae) ‒ a new invasive species for the malacofauna of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus
E.V. Khailenko, N.S. Mugue, V.D. Shcherbakova, D.M. Krivosheev
Abnormal accumulation of commercial fish species in Svinoe arm of the Don delta in winter
G.G. Matishov, M.V. Kovalenko, M.M. Chekha, K.S. Grigorenko
Spatial analysis of the grouping of Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Don River avandelta under conditions of reducing fresh water flow and salinization in the Sea of Azov
G.E. Gus’kov, D.A. Bukhmin
The effect of probiotic feeds on the growth, development and behavioral reactions of carp Cyprinus carpio, sterlet Acipenser ruthenus and bester Huso huso × Acipenser ruthenus
E.N. Ponomareva, V.A. Grigoriev, A.Yu. Gulyaeva, M.S. Mazanko, E.V. Prazdnova, V.A. Chistyakov, D.V. Rudoy, A.B. Bren, M.N. Sorokina, Yu.A. Ivanov
On the possible role of the steppe marmot in natural foci of zoonotic infections in Rostov Region
V.V. Sidelnikov, E.I. Simonovich, N.L. Pichurina, O.P. Dobrovolskiy, Vikt. V. Sidelnikov, E.N. Sokirkina, N.V. Panasyuk