Nauka Yuga Rossii. Volume 20, Issue 1, 2024
Exact solution of the two-dimensional Wiener-Hopf integral equation in problems for anisotropic media
V.A. Babeshko, O.V. Evdokimova, O.M. Babeshko, V.S. Evdokimov
Stress concentration in antifriction polymeric composites reinforced by oriented fibers
V.I. Kolesnikov, A.P. Sychev, V.V. Bardushkin, A.A. Sychev, Yu.F. Migal
Identification of variable properties of a porous piezoelectric functional-gradient bimorph
A.N. Soloviev, V.A. Chebanenko
Earth Sciences
Analysis of long-term variations of waterbodies areas in the Western Manych valley using remote sensing data
I.V. Sheverdyaev, V.V. Sorokina, A.A. Soltan, A.V. Parfenova
Submerged aquatic vegetation (class Potamogetonetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941, alliance Potamogetonion Libbert 1931) of the Don River basin (within the steppe zone)
T.A. Sokolova, O.Yu. Ermolaeva, M.M. Sereda
Modification variability of vegetative organs of Pinus nigra pallasiana D. Don in the natural stands of the Southern Coast of Crimea
V.P. Koba
Ontogenetic states of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischkin
N.A. Сhashchina, T.E. Tkachuk, O.A. Popova, Yu.V. Nikiforova, A.P. Leskov, M.V. Layevskaya
Fish invasion with Eustrongylides cf. excisus Jägerskiöld, 1909 larvae (Nematoda: Dioctophymatidae) in the Don River delta
A.V. Kazarnikova, I.V. Kornienko, Yu.V. Stepanova, G.E. Guskov, O.Yu. Aramova
Influence of food quality on the growth rate, biochemical indicators and gut microbiome of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus
V.A. Grigoriev, M.P. Kulikov, M.S. Mazanko, E.V. Prazdnova, V.A. Chistyakov, D.V. Rudoy, A.B. Bren, A.V. Kovaleva, Yu.A. Ivanov
Application of rodenticides and mass death of animals in the South of Russia
G.G. Matishov, V.V. Stakheev, R.M. Savitsky
Multifactor model application for predicting the epidemic process of acute intestinal infections under the conditions of the South of Russia
D.S. Novikov, A.N. Golovacheva
Official Section
Scientific conferences planned for 2024 in the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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