Nauka Yuga Rossii. Volume 19, Issue 2, 2023
Construction of a high-precision approximate solution integral Wiener-Hopf equation on the segment
O.V. Evdokimova, V.A. Babeshko, A.V. Pavlova
Modeling of effective elastic characteristics and anisotropy parameters of antifriction polymeric composites reinforced by oriented fibers
V.I. Kolesnikov, V.V. Bardushkin, A.P. Sychev
Geodynamic activity of the Black Sea coast based on GPS observations during the accident on the pipeline of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium 7 August 2021 and its possible causes
O.M. Babeshko, O.N. Bykhalova, V.L. Shestopalov, V.M. Sheremet’ev
Earth Sciences
Monitoring of hydrochemical transformations on the Don seashore in real time
G.G. Matishov, K.S. Grigorenko, M.M. Chekha, E.G. Aleshina
Features of formation, composition, and properties of the alluvial soils of the coastal landscapes of the Lower Don region
K.S. Sushko, L.P. Iljina
Assessment of the chemical composition of drinking water in the Gorodovikovsk and Yashalta districts of the Republic of Kalmykia
N.V. Dzhimbeev, A.A. Buluktaev, A.B. Adianova, R.A. Mukabenova, V.T. Sayanov, S.S. Mandzhieva, E.U. Gadlukova
Petroleum components in water and bottom sediments of the Temernik River
T.O. Barabashin, V.S. Ekilik, L.F. Pavlenko, G.V. Skrypnik
Relatonship between growth indicators of planktonic algae and bacteria
V.V. Boulion
Aquatic vegetation (classes Platyhypnidio–Fontinalietea antipyreticae Philippi 1956, Lemnetea de Bolós et Masclans 1955) of the Don River basin (within the steppe zone)
T.A. Sokolova, O.Yu. Ermolaeva, M.M. Sereda
Evaluation of the quality of seeds of wild herbaceous plants
M.A. Starostina, K.A. Katkov
Scientific expeditions
45 years of research vessel “Dalnie Zelentsy”
P.R. Makarevich, D.V. Moiseev