Nauka Yuga Rossii. Volume 19, Issue 1, 2023
On one resonant approach to assessing the state of seismicity
O.V. Evdokimova, V.A. Babeshko, V.S. Evdokimov, O.M. Babeshko, M.V. Zaretskaya, V.L. Shestopalov
Chemistry and New Materials
Fluorescent chemosensors based on imines of 4-formyl-3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid
E.N. Shepelenko, V.A. Podshibyakin, I.V. Dubonosova, O.Yu. Karlutova, A.D. Dubonosov, V.A. Bren
Earth Sciences
Results of an integrated study of the coastal spits of the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of Azov
G.G. Matishov, V.V. Polshin, V.V. Titov, V.V. Kulygin, G.V. Kovaleva, S.A. Misirov, E.P. Kovalenko, A.S. Tesakov, P.D. Frolov
Suspended matter of the water from the Tsimlyansk Reservoir to the Taganrog Bay in the period of long low water in 2006–2020
A.V. Kleshchenkov, V.S. Gerasyuk, V.V. Kulygin, S.V. Berdnikov
Dynamics of the demographic load on the environment in the coastal municipalities of the Lower Don region
O.A. Khoroshev, Yu.Yu. Merinova, O.V. Stepanyan
Mapping and monitoring of mangrove area in Surabaya (Indonesia) in the period of 1994–2018 using Landsat satellite data and Google Earth Engine
D.A. Safitri, F. Bioresita, R.T. Nugroho, L.A. Bespalova, N. Ramadaningtyas, F.A. Sobarman
Seasonal features of the content of free amino acids in different parts of the thallus of the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus L. in the Barents Sea
M.P. Klindukh, I.V. Ryzhik, M.Yu. Menshakova
Alien component of the flora of transformable territories of the Bashkir Pre-Ural region (by the example of cemeteries)
Ya.M. Golovanov
Assessment of the health risk associated with the oral intake of ecotoxicants from groundwater in the Volga sand ridge
D.S. Novikov
Development of the new approaches to studying of malignant tumor pathogenesis in the National Medical Research Center for Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia
O.I. Kit, A.I. Shikhlyarova, E.M. Franzyants, I.V. Kaplieva, G.V. Zhukova
G.G. Matishov. Don Cossacks: from the support of the autocracy to the victims of Bolshevism. On the road to revival. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022. 528 p.
A.N. Makoedov
Scientific Events
IV International Scientific Conference “Development of the main transport waterways under the conditions of the global climate change on the territory of the Russian Federation (Eurasia)” in memory of Correspondence Member RAS D.G. Matishov (“Hazardous Phenomena – IV” ) (Rostov-on-Don, 5–9 September 2022)
G.G. Matishov, O.V. Stepanyan
Official Section